Stretching the imagination allows the creative juices to flow. This programme has been designed to hone the creative abilities of children who do not only draw, make and form things, but it also provides a platform for children to explore and experiment with a variety of art-forms and materials. This is where they learn to develop and apply new skills in creating memorable artworks individually and collectively.
at the Art Education Centre we….
… put a spotlight on collage, drawing, fine art, sculpture, mosaic, textiles, design, crafts and a bouquet of projects and activities that are continuously providing fresh and exciting sessions. Also, there will be visits arranged to see renowned artists in Nigeria. The children will also be groomed for art competitions both locally and internationally. We also make sure that our art supplies shelf is well stocked and continuously interesting, so they can have lots of private practice at home. The Meadow-doodle project is also available for the younger ones (under 5’s) to boost their interest in Fine Art.